More About: Kerli Talks About Tokio Hotel [FormSpring]

It is true that now sing alone, without TH for sounding track Alice in Wonderland? (I just read it somewhere and I would like to know if it’s true.)
Kerli: No, it’s not true. I did it myself because the fans, because guys could not come to America. Only one performance.

You work with like Tokio Hotel?
Kerli: Yes, it was cool. They are nice people and really I can make the text “strange. If not, did not like any other song.

I think Tokio Hotel will come to Brazil in October. Come with them. It was great when you sing or other strange song.
Kerli: Sure I would. We’ll see …

People ask you a lot Bill. But what do you think of Tom, George and Gutavovi?
Kerli: They’re all great guys. Gustav is super sweet, that most social and Georg is quite easy.

Tom tried it for you? It has some fame, you know … haha
Kerli: Haha, yeah I heard that it gets all the girls. No, I tried it on me.

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