NEW INTERVIEW: Tokio Hotel on

Who's your celebrity crush?
Bill: I think the Olsen twins are cute.

Tom: For me, it's Jessica Alba.

What's a girl fashion trend that confuses you?
Tom: Wellies.
Bill: Yeah. It looks like you're going to work somewhere.

What's the chick flick you secretly love?

Tom: The Notebook is great.
Bill: I like Meet Joe Black.
Georg: I like Marley and Me, but it was sad.

What's your TV guilty pleasure?
Bill: I really liked Prison Break. That show was really cool.

Tom and Gustav: King of Queens.

Bill: I like Nip Tuck.

Who would play you in the movie version of your life?

Tom: For me it would be Brad Pitt.

Gustav: My favorite actor is dead! It was James Dean, and now, I don't know.

What's your dream job?

Bill: I would do something with fashion.

Georg: I don't know.

Tom (to Georg): You always wanted to be a dentist.

Gustav: I'd be a police officer.

If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?
Tom: I would be Jessica Alba.
Bill: I would be Georg because I think it would be such an easy life — nothing to do on stage!

Who in your family are you closest to?
Bill: We (Bill and Tom) are brothers, so we have no secrets.
Georg: For me, it's my mom.

Gustav: My sister.

What's your favorite Web site?
Bill: I don't check that often, I just check my e-mail. My favorite site is Google.
Google or YouTube. I have a blog, and sometimes I check out new videos.

What's the fast food you can't live without?
Gustav, Bill, and Tom: Pizza!

Tom: I think the best pizza you can get is in New York. It's really good.

What's your worst habit?
Bill: Georg is always late.

Georg: Sometimes I'm a little bit late.

Tom: Georg is lazy. And Bill, I don't know. He sings too often. He always sings the whole day. And I don't have any bad habits.

Bill: No, you don't. He's perfect.

What's the last song you listened to on your iPod?
Tom: A song on the new Jay-Z record.
Bill: For me, it was "It Means Nothing" by The Stereophonics.
Gustav: The best of Phil Collins.

What's the last thing you bought?

Bill: A cup of coffee.
Tom: Coffee, a pen, and chewing gum.

What did you dream about last night?

Tom: I can't remember.

Bill: I was just so tired. I think I had one dream.

Tom: Sometimes [Bill and I] dream the same things.
Bill: We'll meet each other at breakfast and talk about our dreams, and they're the same. It's crazy!

How much money is in your wallet right now?

Georg: Zero.
Bill: Nothing.
Tom: I have 50 Euros.

Georg: Tom has all of our money. He's our bank.

Fill in the blank: When I was 17 I was ______________.

Tom: A really, really good person.
Georg: Good looking.
Tom: I was a good looking person and a good person in general.

Bill: On tour.

Gustav: On tour and in a great band.


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