Tokio Hotel watched “The Book of Eli” in Volksdorf: Bill Kaulitz, his twin brother Tom as well as Gustav Schäfer and Georg Listing – and nobody noticed it! Volksdorf (bt) – Also Superstars are longing for a normal life from time to time, and want to go into Restaurants or cinemas without being noticed. It isn’t any different when it comes to Tokio Hotel. But everywhere they appear it’s over with the silence. Screaming and hysteric, mostly female, Teenagers besieged the venues days before their concerts. And now all those Fans have to read exclusively in a newspaper that their idols were guests in Volksdorf a week ago, on Saturday (27.02.2010 – A day before the concert at the Color Line Arena). At the ‘KoralleKino’ the pop-heroes watched the apocalyptic Thriller “The Book of Eli” with Denzel Washington at 11.15 p.m. The special thing about this: Nobody noticed them… But before it got dark in the screening room, the superstars ordered some Cola Light and Popcorn. “The boys were very nice and they thanked me.”, said Hans-Peter Jansen whos 18-year old daughter Lea had a lot of luck to watch the movie side by side with Bill and Co. “She’s not really into their music, but she was kind of paralyzed and had to tell her friends of her unbelieveable adventure on the same night”, said Jansen. A lot of girls would have loved to be in her place that night…!
Their arrival was top secret, in a rather insignificant car, shortly after 11 p.m, the security closing off the ground in front of the Lichtspielhaus after them being in the cinema. Peter Jansen was responsible for not letting any information of their arrival public this night. “I was committed to absolute confidentiality”, the cinema tenant, who permitted the late-night performance of the movie for Tokio Hotel, said. The quartett, lead by the “Diva” Bill Kaulitz, arrived with their Manager and their Marketing Women and disappeared into the huge movie theater.
NEWS:Tokio Hotel Incognito in Volksdorf
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