NEWS:Kids Choice Awards - Tokio Hotel [1O.O4.1O]

Bill: "Hey guys, Tokio Hotel here. We want to thank you for the "Blimb"! We won, we are your favorite Stars, you voted online and sothank you so much to all of you who voted. We're so happy about it thank you. Sadly we can't be here, because we're currently touring through Europe uhmyeah, we have a very talented boy in our Band which is Georg, he can do some wicked thing with his hands which personally grosses me out, watch this [Image of Georg says: Fingerkuppen-Abknicker = Fingertip-Crooker]"

Tom: "And we can hold our breath for a very long time! I can hold it 10 minutes, Bill and Gustav 2 minutes andthat's what we'll do now."

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